About Us

Our family began visiting The Great Smoky Mountains, Pigeon Forge, and Gatlinburg more than four decades ago. Even back then, we knew that this area was “Someplace Special”.

hapey cabin rentals owner as a child having a smoky mountains picnic with her brother and sister.

With the little money they had in their pockets and three kids in tow, our folks would load up the cooler and car and head to the mountains. Often times delaying an electric bill, or putting off rent day just to do something special for us.

hapey cabin rentals owner as a child visiting the smoky mountains with her brother and sister.

Back then, our Smoky Mountain vacations were motel pools, and parkway picnics of bologna sandwiches or a bucket of chicken spread out on a quilt from home. A special treat was a silver dollar or chocolate chip pancake breakfast at a local diner… Or that one time we went to “Santa’s Land” in Cherokee.

Over the years, we brought friends, other family members, and then our spouses and children too. Without a doubt, our love for this area (and theirs) grew year after year. 

So, in 2016 we began working on our dream of owning a place in this magical part of Tennessee with the hope that we’d be able to share our love of the Smoky Mountains with others and their families, too.

the hapey cabin rentals family

Today, we’re so proud to share our beautiful, cozy, and (most importantly) affordable cabin rentals in this area we adore. We work real hard to deliver customer service that’s “Next-to-None” to make sure everyone has the chance to make those same “Smoky Mountain Memories” we still hold so dear. We know that if you choose Hapey Cabin vacation rentals you won’t be disappointed. 

So, take a look. Then, get ready to book!

We look forward to making you part of our Hapey Cabin Family very soon.

hapey cabin rentals owner angie ablanalp signature

Owner, Hapey Cabin Rentals

Questions? Comments? Contact Hapey Cabin Rentals.

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